Friday, November 6, 2009 @ 5:39 AM
love me, love me, say that you love me
fool me, fool me, oh, how you do me
kiss me, kiss me, say that you miss me
tell me what I wanna hear
tell me you love me.
oh ho ho, one more day to go x3
what day, I hear you say?
the last day or torture
but i still have to study tomorrow and sunday ._.
why does it have to be you? )':
&&&, ish ish, I hate you you mother effing bitch -,-
it's my own conversation with my friends and you transformed it into a big deal -,-
you idiots are fcking childish.
it's not like it affected you horribly, they're just words and i dint even say anything about YOU
so fck off you bitch.
wanna know the truth? i dont fcking hell care whether you're angry she's angry they're angry
and you fcking bitch just have to make it a big deal -,-
sorry about my language but she made my painting ugly cz she made me mad! -,-
and I know you fcking hate me, you think I dont fcking hate you?! bee-atch.
and again, I DONT CARE if she's angry, you're angry, they're angry!
heehee, anyways, heee heee x)
heee heee heee heee heee
why hee heee? cz hee hee hee! x3
teehee! bye bye :D
fool me, fool me, oh, how you do me
kiss me, kiss me, say that you miss me
tell me what I wanna hear
tell me you love me.
oh ho ho, one more day to go x3
what day, I hear you say?
the last day or torture
but i still have to study tomorrow and sunday ._.
why does it have to be you? )':
&&&, ish ish, I hate you you mother effing bitch -,-
it's my own conversation with my friends and you transformed it into a big deal -,-
you idiots are fcking childish.
it's not like it affected you horribly, they're just words and i dint even say anything about YOU
so fck off you bitch.
wanna know the truth? i dont fcking hell care whether you're angry she's angry they're angry
and you fcking bitch just have to make it a big deal -,-
sorry about my language but she made my painting ugly cz she made me mad! -,-
and I know you fcking hate me, you think I dont fcking hate you?! bee-atch.
and again, I DONT CARE if she's angry, you're angry, they're angry!
heehee, anyways, heee heee x)
heee heee heee heee heee
why hee heee? cz hee hee hee! x3
teehee! bye bye :D
A minute with you is worth more than
a thousand days without your love, oh your love
My heart is blind but I don't care
'Cuz when I'm with you everything has disappeared
And every time I hold you near
I never wanna let you go.
xo,nOelle :]
a thousand days without your love, oh your love
My heart is blind but I don't care
'Cuz when I'm with you everything has disappeared
And every time I hold you near
I never wanna let you go.
xo,nOelle :]