i need your hug,
to feel the warmth of your love
HELLO. noelle-missyouquiteterribly
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Sunday, September 27, 2009 @ 2:16 AM
from left: pretty Jade & dumb retard :P

Went to sunway. Jade, Liying, Ryan, Desmond, Johan, Shue King, Eu Wen, Darwin went too & a lot more who went different ways.
Watched 'Where Got Ghost?' , & yes, it's super scary -,- & super funny at the same time.
Me, Ying & Jade bought same shirts and took our time choosing while the guys waited outside the shop x] haha.
Li Ying pushed Shue King down. As in, he falling down on his back O: xD for some reason which im lazy to blog about, skip skip skip some parts. bla bla bla.
I'm damn lazy to blog about everything ._. so just go to Jade's blog if you wanna reda something less crapish and more detailed-ish.

miss you like crazy.
xo, n0elle :]