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to feel the warmth of your love
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Sunday, July 5, 2009 @ 9:07 AM
F.Y.I , im blogging in my suite in Penang.
havent been blogging for a few days..so, long story short.

  • Mom's birthday
Went to T.G.I friday..food was YUMMY for tha TUMMY :D then those pple sang my mom a bday song and all while stomping their feet.It was entertaining ;D then they gave a free choco brownie with some ice-cream on top.
I said long story short, so, The End.

moving on..
  • Ceramah day -.-
That day was supah boring -.-
But dint study the whole day :D except after rehat had to do kerja kayu BUT still it wasnt called studying.Dint go into my class the whole day.Then, got some police came to our sch again..He was like talkin g to himself.
Obviously no one was listening -.- zz. Me and Onnia were just hoping the bell would ring whn it rang right after we said it xD Then evrybdy started clapping and cheering eventho the cop dude wasnt even finish talking xD
But he dint let us go home -.- ish-ness.
Form 2s were let out first :P

moving on..

  • Subang Utama's familly day
SO many pple were there :O AND i mean ALOT of pple and ALOT of stalls.Unlike our sch, walk round and round for about like 20 times and still there's nth to buy. Went with Jade, Li Ying, & Tiffany.But they went earlier and my mom sent me.Baught coupons from Vanessa.Hannah was there too.Oh Oh Oh, And Li Li too.
Eat and walk.Then Jade just have to buy tht snow spray thing & started spraying at Vanessa then me then Li Ying and I HAD to buy to spray back at her XD Then Tiff baught hers too.And we were supah white and full of foamy thingy but it dries up tho.
Then, bumped into Shawne.Then, play with the snow thingy until it was empty.
Went to some dark maze thingy.IT SUCKED. they just kept spraying you with water -,- ish-ness.We payed to get wet -.-
Found some coupons on the floor :D
First, i found one RM1 coupon but Li Ying picked it up, so its hers.
Then, i found one RM2 coupon but Li Ying picked it up,so its hers. And Jade goes " haiyo.You all ar -.-" xD
Then, i found a whole book of coupon on the floor & i picked it up so its mine :D but there was RM5 in it only tho,but still theres still worth something.And Jade goes " WTF"
Thn Li Ying found RM5 on the floor too :D The end.

moving on...

So yeah, im in Penang now.Coming back tomorrow. AND MY DAMN SIS JUST HAVE TO SPOIL MY/our PHONE D:< so couldnt send a bday wish to Aaron. i think its his bday.I think?

xo,Noelle :]