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Saturday, May 16, 2009 @ 6:42 AM

no saving ;P

today was great..Shila sang very well..thts whn i gain intrest in her ;)

the host was FUNNY xD...Anne,Hannah,Rachel,& Tiff sang..THEY WERE GREAT..Cheryl made some cheer signs..

example ;D

The photagropher was like snapping pics of us all when we waved the cheer signs :DDD
Then the host [ dunno whts his name] asked some questions..dint go
to the front row :( so dint get anything :((
bleh..wtv..they started some games..bla bla

& finally the good part!
Hannah,Tiff,ANNE & Rachel were called out to sing..we started to scream their names XD...stuck a "go ANNE" sign on the cheer sign..Anne looked so nervous :S but she rocked! after the whole thing, they choosing who wins, whn i they called anne's name, started CHERING ;D she was great.Then Hannahs turn, I shouted "GO HANNAH!!!!" then the host fella was like "Go where? xD" ahahahaha...*blushes xD* Screamed for all of them until no voice ad...bleh.

then Shila started singing~
Waved the signs..Photagropher snaps pics again...*smile!*
[p/s: the arrangement of the day written is mumbo jumbo-ed xD]

After the whole thing [ skipping some stuff ;)]
went to the bilik persalinan..managed to be the 1st few..which means THE SECO
ND OR THIRD person ;D...all the teachers cut line.bleh...then we were next; we= me,onnia,jade..supposed to be with wongie and jade but some form 1 idiots cut line >:( so they dint manage to go in :(...
but we me,onnia and jade got to take pic with Shila and get her autograph
But Hannah,wong,and all dint get coz they dint let them in >:( Cheryl felt bad D:

all pictures are below ;D and mixed up :

pn.Faizah singing Best Of Both Worlds XD
Tiffany ;D

Can you see pn.sangeeta & shabita dancing up there?:D

when we 1st got into the dewan ;D