i need your hug,
to feel the warmth of your love
HELLO. noelle-missyouquiteterribly
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Monday, April 27, 2009 @ 4:45 AM
the tag i did is like -.-
sudd all the words hilang! babi la...i think someone hack my acc~ gonna chg my pswd again
i got penalty for no reason the other day! & i dint knw...coz i dint think i did anything wrong which i really didnt..babited tcher...write i never chg my baju for ph whn earlier she SAW me walking to the bilik persalinan with Anne AND ASKED where was i going -.-
AND YET she still wrote it as 'tak pakai baju pj' -.-'
fck u & the horse u ride on la!

unhappy moment *arrow points down*